Client: Cookme Spices
Cookme Spices Transit communication. Put up inside Metro Railway Trains, desighned to catch the rush and the usual worries of food.
80 CC ads -ABP, Bartaman, Ei Samay

80 CC ad. Status - Concept, published

Client: Monginis

Monginis Inshop Posters

Monginis Teachers' Day Card
Client: Winkies

Winkies Concept Layouts.
Status - Unpublished

Client: Tea Board Of India

A newspaper brochure. Containing Tea based news, quips, interviews, Zodiacs and so on. Status - Concept, Unpublished.

A themed calendar with origami animals representing the tea growing areas. Status - Concept, Unpublished.

The Piyo India Campaign - Honouring the diversity in Indian Tea. Status - Concept, unpublished.
Client: Fresco Pollo

Concepts for the Fresco Pollo Eat Out Joint. Collateralls uinclude indicators, inshop posters, aprons, chef hats, name tags and so on. Status - Unpublished.

Layout concepts for Fresco Pollo. Status - Unpublished.

Client: Moreish

Layout concepts for Moreish Bread.
Status - Unpublished.

Client: 6, Ballygunge Place

Pujo Facebook Posts, 2017
6 Ballygunge Place
Social Media Post
#Subho Bijoya

6 Ballygunge Place
Social Media Post
Women's Day 2018
6 Ballygunge Place
Social Media Post
Saraswati Pujo 2018

6 Ballygunge Place
Social Media Post

Client: Mio Amore

Mio Amore
Social Media Post
Easter 2018
Mio Amore
Social Media Post
Holi 2018

Client: Winkies

Social Media Post
April Fool's 2018
Status: Unpublished​

The Wall
Social Media Post
International Women's Day 2018