Client: Captain TMT Bar
I'm a title
This poster/outdoor for Captain TMT Bar uses the property - former Indian Cricket Captain Sourav Gangully to its full effect. Sourav, fondly called 'Dada', known for his flambuoyant temper - aka the Lord's shirtless moment is also the host of popular gameshow 'Dadagiri'..Therefore the approach.

Client: Shricon TMT Bar
Half Page Press Ad featuring Superstar Bengali Actor Dev.
Client: Shricon TMT Bar

Client: Shricon TMT Bar
The Shricon 'Strength' notebook links the essential virtue of 'strength of the building material to the enduring quality of the 7 wonders of the world - the Colloseum in Greece, the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt, the Taj Mahal in India that have survived centuries of wear and tear to survive today. Spendidly hand-illustrated with trivia on each page to go with the writing page.
Status: Concept Stage; not pulished