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Something’s Gotta Give

They lived miles away. The brown girl and the white guy. They liked to see each other. Only one of them wanted others to watch too.







Nominated for Best Small Fictions Awards by Blink Ink Print




"I woke up and saw that my grandfather had beaten me to the loo. I watched the painted wooden door which he had shut three minutes ago and thought about what a bummer Diabetes was."

Read 'A Day in the life of Narcissus' at Onager Editions

Bikini Wax

Enchanted Forest Issue - June, 2017


She lay slender on a Sunday. Her legs ajar.The sun lighting up the edges of her enchanted forest. He sheared the lamb in the toilet and cussed the capitalists.

"I tried to remember last night. In Paris, I was with San Tiago the street artist who was travelling with me from motel to motel. My life came back to me in bits and pieces of flesh that I feed the stray dogs on the beaches of Orissa."

Read 'Naked Sunset' at Onager Editions

Eisequaltoemseesquare. Even he couldn’t put it down to words.


Not like James Joyce. And you thought I wouldn’t catch you imitating.


You anger and startle me at the same time. Now, how did you know that?


Ulysses. That ship. It changed everything.

Read 'WORDMAIDEN (Day Two)' at Coldnoon Quarterly

Read 'Naked Sunset' at Onager Editions

As an afterthought, they sliced her tongue and left her to sleep. Because the extremities of pain and pleasure must feel the same. 

Read 'How does your Garden grow?' at Visual Verse

Modern Family

Robots and AI Issue – March, 2018


He went to work.

She went for the groceries.

The little one went out to play.


He switched on the news.

She laid out the dinner.

The little one threw the customary tantrum.


Her signals went all dizzy under the sheets.

He kissed her just where humanity ended.

The little one sang a hymn next door.

Fame Issue – March, 2019



Famous winked to a blondie and she fainted. He said ‘Howdy?” to another and she almost cut her breasts in half. I could see he had that same smile from the freckled teens. Now he had a pebble smooth face and he was the bad bully in all his films.




Famous looked different today. His cigarette hung low and the smoke rings were not perfect.

Famous walked with a limp today and told me that a kissing scene had been the death of him.

Famous, sat low in Bee Gee’s bar while the women died for him.

Originally published in Blink Ink

"I soon managed to push death into the password-protected folder in my mind that had skull and crossbones writ large over it."

Read two fiction pieces at The Dream Journal

It was a regular brawl in a regular wild party. It was nearing the end of a Greek tragedy, and the audience were thirsty for the final sigh, the catharsis. 

People had warned her that he was weird. Told her to be quiet. It was an eternity of stupidity she thought. Lying here naked, while he chants nonsense and puts some colours on white papers. 

Read 'Eros' at Visual Verse

"They changed those secret glances like fake currency notes. I must dance I thought, as I watched her thin white bare shoulders jiggling in front of me, in front of the boys. I looked at the vague disco lights and I felt hungry."

Read 'Paranoia' at Onager Editions

She was new here and she knew she would always be that way. These places were always new to her, no matter how many times she came back here

Read 'The Office' at Farther From Trees

I don’t open my mouth because it has the garbage of the world that the oceans have left behind, the kind that can choke blue whales and leave them on the shores like impossible spectacles.

Read Three Stories at Bull

She had seen it on her father’s feet, on her uncle’s too, but today, it appeared to her like a wall of dark warning, their tips like a million fingers pointing at her, as if this section had been installed to warn little girls like her, lest they take their privilege for granted, for the switch from receiving to choosing in shoes or anything else in life, is no joke at all.

Read New Shoes at Short Story Town

Baba makes a muddling sound in his sleep. Ma gets up reluctantly and removes his folded hands from the chest.

Read I am Sorry, Baba at The Candid Review

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